
May is National Water Safety Month

May is National Water Safety Month. While it’s important to practice safe water practices all year round, May is a great time to refresh and observe those habits. Talk to your loved ones about tools they should use when around any body of water. We’ve gathered a few here to help facilitate the discussion.

Know the Signs of Drowning

It’s a great time to review the signs of drowning. Downing is often silent and non-dramatic. Study up for a safe summer of the best in aquatic recreation!

The Buddy System

It doesn’t matter what age you are: always swim with someone else! Even at facilities that have lifeguards or plenty of people, bring a friend or family member. Never, ever, find yourself swimming alone.

Invest in Swim Lessons Early

When it comes to your child’s safety, investing in swimming lessons at an early age can give your child the tools he needs to stay afloat properly. Make sure your child knows how to tread water and how to swim to the safe edge of the pool and pull himself out.

Feet First!

Diving into a body of water head-first can result in serious injury, especially if you’re uncertain of its depth. Always make sure that you are entering water feet first to avoid hitting the bottom surface and potentially hurting yourself. 

Be Mindful

When swimming in water that isn’t contained like a lake or river, don’t push yourself. Be aware of your surroundings, your energy levels, and the conditions of the water. Vigilance = safety.

Safety Refreshers

Take a class or renew your certification on CPR from your local Red Cross. Also remind your kids about important safety rules like no roughhousing, no running around the pool, and no diving. A quick review of the most important rules for water safety can go a long way to keep you all safe and happy.

Spread The Word!

With May being National Water Safety Month, remember to observe what it means to be cautious in and around water. Spread the message of safety by talking to your friends and family about these tips! You’ll have a summer of the best fun ahead with tips for water safety under your belt.